Have you attended a Pride Festival on behalf of the UCC? Will you be? Send photos to CAbad@united-church.ca to have them added. Winnipeg Pride Parade - June 2, 2024

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Have you attended a Pride Festival on behalf of the UCC? Will you be? Send photos to CAbad@united-church.ca to have them added. Winnipeg Pride Parade - June 2, 2024
Hold a peace pilgrimage in your own community and with national church leaders Throughout Lent, many communities of faith across Canada, and around the world, with their bodies prayerfully mapped Gaza onto their own communities through the...
Pictured Above are those from our region who travelled together to Rendezvous 2017 in Montreal. Rendezvous (the 2024 Audacious Hope iteration) is happening and we're inviting your financial support in helping Prairie to Pine youth to attend. July...
June is a busy month for Pride events of all kinds! Click here for our regional summary of community Pride events. Remember, June is also Indigenous History Month, so whenever you have the chance, make sure you learn from and about Two Spirit and...
Prairie to Pine’s monthly online meeting on climate justice and financing, 22nd of every month, 7:00 PM Your or your community of faith have received a letter from Prairie to Pine encouraging you to start a conversation with your bank or credit...
As we enter the hope of spring, the communities, families and loved ones of Rebecca Contois, Morgan Harris, Marcedes Myran, and Mashkode Bizhiki'ikwe (Buffalo Woman) continue the exhausting work of calling for a search of the landfills near...
Opportunities to Share your Talents & Interests in 2024 – 2025 Put your passion into action! Where is God calling you to share your gifts with the wider church for the sake of Christ’s ministry in Prairie to Pine? In this PDF, which is easily...
The Equity and Diversity has prepared this list and welcomes updates and more communities! Please send additional listings or corrections to prairietopine@united-church.caUnited Church people are encouraged to support these festivals with our...
Here's a great example of a Cluster gathering to renew connections and community! Thursday, May 2nd, 2024, 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM at Knox United Church, Brandon (Note: 2-hour parking limit is NOT in effect May -Sept. Park freely!) Inviting anyone who...