Right Relations

Right relations, truth-telling, and reconciliation

As Prairie to Pine Regional Council continues to live into a major restructuring, we are still working on how we will honour our commitments and responsibilities as Treaty People living on Indigenous and treaty lands in Manitoba and northwestern Ontario.

Local work towards truth telling and right relationship continues, and includes:
Blanket Exercises; showing up for and supporting solidarity actions and advocacy with government when asked; support for restorative justice; video and book groups to spark further learning and education in our communities of faith; listening and learning circles with Indigenous leadership; work on naming, understanding, and challenging racism and  White privilege.

The Regional work and its relationships are still in discernment. It will be rooted in the good work of the former presbyteries of Manitoba-NW Ontario Conference, in conversations with the Indigenous church and other Indigenous partners, and non-Indigenous people who want to be on the journey to right relationship and justice. Below you’ll find further information on some of the commitments and resources that will continue to guide and shape our journey.

Indigenous justice and right relations news

Remit 1 has passed

Remit 1 has passed

Remit 1: Establishing an Autonomous National Indigenous Organization has passed. All 16 Regional Councils, the National Indigenous Council, and just over 80% of pastoral charges in The United Church...

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United Church News

Pray for partners working in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) as violence leads to millions of internally displaced people (IDPs). Read More

International Development Week (IDW) 2025 showcases impactful projects led by The United Church of Canada and partners, addressing poverty, climate change, and global justice through sustainable… continue reading Read More

The United Church of Canada expresses grief at the tragic events in Carry the Kettle Nakoda Nation. Read More

Four church leaders jointly support the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, and urge a permanent ceasefire. Read More

The Very Rev. Dr. Marion Pardy, 37th Moderator of the United Church, will receive the King Charles Coronation Medal in recognition of her leadership and commitment to community service. Read More

Prairie to Pine Regional Council