Becoming an Intercultural Church in Western Canada/ Turtle Island
For a number of years, the United Church has pursued a vision for becoming an intercultural church, meaning that we live “together with a respectful awareness of each other’s differences. We do this by examining ourselves, building relationships, and distributing power fairly.” In Western Canada/ treaty and traditional territories, this work is carried forward in part by the Western Intercultural Network.
The Western Intercultural Network: Who are we? We are people and communities in the United Church of Canada committed to a fully inclusive and intercultural church, from northwestern Ontario to the Pacific, and north to Yellowknife. Anyone of any identity is welcome! Please see our mission statement and terms of reference here.
We’re new, trying something different as the United Church continues the major restructuring begun in 2019. We occasionally hold gatherings and online conversations that focus on the communities named above. We work in our own Regional Councils across Western Canada, and we gather as the Western Intercultural Network in person every fall. An executive from the five Western Regional Councils of the United Church offers us leadership.
Our vision of becoming an intercultural United Church encompasses:
Black people and people of colour and communities, which includes ethnic churches within the United Church, lay leaders and ministry personnel who are people of colour or Black, and more.
Indigenous people and communities, within the United Church and beyond, of all traditions.
People with disabilities/ disabled people.
LGBTQIA+ and Two Spirit people and communities.
We honour these identities, and the spaces where they intersect. Our ministry includes courageous (and awkward!) conversations about our diversity, and about the social privilege and history that hinder right relationships. We believe the Good News of Jesus Christ calls us into such conversations and relationship. To get involved with the Network, please get in touch with the Prairie to Pine office, and we will put you in touch with our Regional Council’s representatives. Their contact information is not shared here in order to protect their privacy.

Interested in knowing more?
You can sign up for occasional updates here; you can unsubscribe at any time, and we don’t share your information with anyone else.
More resources
Overview of the United Church’s intercultural vision
Intercultural worship resources
Round the Table: personal intercultural reflections
Racial justice training program of the United Church (open to all); further details about the online format are here.
Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Ministry program, Canadian Council of Churches
Disabilities and inclusion
Affirm United/ S’affirmer Ensemble, the LGBTQIA2S+ and ally movement within the church
Intercultural news

Here from the beginning: the story of Black people in the United Church
You’re invited to support a Centennial story-telling project focused on the lives and contributions of Black people in the United Church of Canada. This exhibition celebrating Black individuals’...

Planning for National Day of Truth and Reconciliation 2024
Honouring Orange Shirt Day/ National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Monday September 30, 2024 “When you wear an orange shirt it’s like a little bit of justice for us Survivors in our lifetime,...

Pride month reminders: event, resources, and news
June is a busy month for Pride events of all kinds! Click here for our regional summary of community Pride events. Remember, June is also Indigenous History Month, so whenever you have the chance,...

Please Help Youth to attend National Rendezvous Retreat
Pictured Above are those from our region who travelled together to Rendezvous 2017 in Montreal. Rendezvous (the 2024 Audacious Hope iteration) is happening and we're inviting your financial support...

Regional statement on AB’s proposed transphobic legislation
PDF version of this letter 5 March 2024 Prairie to Pine Regional Council would like to express our continued support for transgender and gender-diverse youth, both within and outside of our region....

Write a Christmas card to the MB government: search the landfill
Your words, visits, and donations are needed Click here for a PDF version of this invitation. For over a year, families and loved ones of the four known women murdered by a Winnipeg man have been...

More information, Remit on autonomous Indigenous organization
Our church is in the midst of an important journey that requires a vote from your pastoral charge governing body between now and early 2024. Remit 1 asks the church to give pre-emptive approval for...

Neechi Camp 2023 in partnership with Mamawe Ota Askihk at Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Centre
August 20th to 25th, four Indigenous and four non-Indigenous youth took part in Neechi Camp at Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Centre (SSSC). At the same time, SSSC was hosting an all ages family camp...

Canada Day 2023: 100th anniversary of the Chinese Exclusion Act
This reflection is written by Chris Mah Poy, First-Third Ministry Coordinator and Networks and Justice Support at Chinook Winds Regional Council and a successful mixed-race Canadian. Here his story...

Indigenous Day of Prayer, National Indigenous Peoples Day
June is National Indigenous History Month, a time to commemorate and honour the history, contributions, and diversity of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples in Canada. The summer solstice,...