Sharing Across Cultures: food, fun, and faith on Saturday, Sept 24th was attended by about 35 people including many resource people who shared about their cultures. The smudge was a highlight for many, especially when...
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Sharing Across Cultures: food, fun, and faith on Saturday, Sept 24th was attended by about 35 people including many resource people who shared about their cultures. The smudge was a highlight for many, especially when...
Knox United Church in Winnipeg invites youth from across the region, who self-identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, or People of Colour) to explore foods, arts, sports and worship that represent some of the diversity of our United Church family. Pariticipants...
If you are a grade 7 to 12 youth, we welcome you to register for the upcoming region-wide youth retreat, being held at Carman United Church, in Carman, MB, Friday Oct 21st at 6:30 pm to Sunday, Oct 23rd at 1:00 pm. A great opportunity to make friends with other youth...
Honouring Orange Shirt Day/ National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Friday September 30, 2022 “When you wear an orange shirt it’s like a little bit of justice for us Survivors in our lifetime, and recognition of a system we can never allow again.” -Phyllis Webstad...
You’re invited to consider whether you or someone you know would welcome the challenge of helping plan the in-person (yes! So we pray!) Regional Council meeting, June 1-4 2023, likely in Winnipeg. Are your gifts, skills, experience, and interest a good fit for this...
‘There is a time that we must rise . . . we must stand’ (More Voices, #165) By Linda Buchanan On Sunday, June 19, Westminster United Church in The Pas, MB became a publicly Affirming Ministry of the United Church of Canada. As a community of faith, we did the work of...
Volunteers are the lifeblood of the United Church. At the regional level, various committees and task groups rely on the wisdom and God-given talents that committed individuals bring to these positions. Some feel they are answering a spiritual call when they apply for...
Part of our Regional Council’s work is to minister and work alongside Indigenous communities of faith, especially in Keewatin Circle, and within the wider community in continued right relations work. Indigenous Ministries and Justice at General Council has just...
Korean Rainbow United is a network of The United Church of Canada for Korean queer people and allies, with involvement and leadership in our Regional Council. Members of the network work along with affirming Christian alliances in Korea, as well as with the “Rainbow...
(PDF version of this announcement.) Rev. Marlene Britton, General Council staff, writes. "I am delighted to announce that the Rev. Laura Fouhse will join the Office of Vocation team in the Ministry and Employment Unit of the GCO, as the Vocational Minister for the...
Our congratulations and prayers are with those from Prairie to Pine Regional Council whose milestones will be celebrated at the Celebration of Ministry Service at Knox United Church, Kenora on June 26 at 3:00 p.m.: Susan Girard from Riverview Atikokan who will be...
A sign bearing a large letter “F” might be easy to spot on an average morning on Memorial Blvd in downtown Winnipeg. On June 5th, the morning of the Pride Parade, this sign became a veritable needle in a haystack. Approximately sixty people from eight Affirming...
Introducing new leadership on the Executive With the end of the annual meeting in May, Diane Dwarka stepped back after two years as co-chair of the Regional Council, with many thanks for her attentive presence and boundless energy as she continues on in many other...
June is Pride Month, and your solidarity is invited. In 2020, Rev. Lee Dong-hwan of the Korean Methodist Church accepted an invitation to bless the crowd at the Incheon Pride Festival. As a result, on October 15 2020, the church stripped of his ability to practice as...
Being grounded in the community is an important way of honouring this Canada/ Northern Turtle Island-wide month. Please have a look for local options you can engage and support through public signage, donations, practical assistance, and your respectful presence. Get...