2024 Regional Council Meeting (online)

October 10 and 17, 2024

Prairie to Pine regional meeting 2024 update, and invitations to help our Region renew connections and support

In this letter of Erica Wittevrongel, Chair of the Prairie to Pine Regional Council, on behalf of the Executive, you will find an update on our 2024 Regional meeting, important reminders about planned opportunities for connecting.

Click here for the PDF version of the letter.

To keep in sync with the Pastoral Year of the Church (July 1 to June 30 of the following year), a couple of documents are now available:

Pastoral Relations Commission Status Update (2023-2024)

Nominations Report

Accountability Report-General Council

Theological Schools

Other Reports

Celebrating our Ministers on their Anniversaries

Congratulations are with Ministry Personnel who are celebrating significant anniversaries of their commissioning to diaconal ministry, ordination, recognition as Designated Lay Minister, or Admission to the Order of Ministry of the United Church of Canada (5-year intervals are acknowledged). We are grateful for the ministry that they have engaged in and continue to be engaged in within and beyond This United Church of Ours. The list of those with anniversaries is available here.

Celebration of Ministry Service


The Celebration of Ministry Service for Prairie to Pine Regional Council was held on June 23, 2024, at Dauphin: First United Church. During that service, two Ministry Personnel who have served the United Church for several years as Designated Lay Ministers/Lay Pastoral Ministers who have been recently granted “testamur” as a result of recent actions by GC44, will be commissioned to diaconal ministry (Maureen McCartney, Oakbank) and ordained (Ilene Dowd, Dauphin) (Please see their profiles below). The Zoom recording of the service is now available.


Ilene Dowd

Ilene Dowd

Beginning at the beginning is a good place to start; so, I guess this profile needs to start w a-a- a -y back in a Vacation Bible School led by a Summer Intern and his wife in the little village of Graysville, 7 miles from Carman Manitoba.  My memory of this event is no clearer than the memory of my baptism, in that small village church in the fall of the year I was born. However, family lore has it that my enthusiasm for VBS led my parents to take an active part in the other activities at St. Paul’s. During my growing up years, the church and the community I encountered there, was my second home.

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Maureen McCartney

Maureen McCartney

Liverpool England was where I grew up, in a home with my Nana, Mum, and two brothers. My oldest brother Brian was crippled; this I believe is where my advocacy started. Although four years younger than him, I was very much his protecter! Our lives literally revolved around County Road Methodist Church. ‘County,’ as it was affectionately called, was a hub of activity. Sunday School at 3 pm, Children’s Evening Service at 6.30 pm, and Church Parade once a month on Sunday morning, with Girl Guides, Brownies, Boys Brigade, and Life Boys packing the pews.

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2024 Retirees

Elizabeth Brown

Elizabeth Brown

From the first moment I stepped into Wilmot United Church in Fredericton, NB, back in 1985ish I have always felt warmly welcomed and included; that the United Church was a place to call home and that God’s amazing spirit was here. As I explored my call to ordained ministry from Maritime Conference, and chose to go to McGill University and United Theological College in Montreal, I discovered the wider church community.

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Kathleen (Kathy) Platt

Kathleen (Kathy) Platt

I studied at the Centre for Christian Studies from 1995 to 2000. In 1999 we traveled to Nicaragua for our Global Perspectives experience.  It was my first major trip out of the country, and it was profoundly moving. While there, I tried to call home to touch base with Art and our three sons, but much to my frustration I couldn’t get through to them.

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Lori                Stewart

Lori Stewart

Recently, I was asked to talk about the difference between Diaconal and Ordained ministry. When I described diaconal ministry, I found these words of Ted Dodd particularly apt, “The diaconal way of working is very community oriented, seeking to draw out the gifts of everyone, working in groups, and fostering partnerships. Diaconal ministers move with flexibility into areas where they are needed, where service is required.”

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Deborah Vitt

Deborah Vitt

You can’t imagine how many times over the past 7 years, I have mentally composed this bio sketch. Some of my imaginings were witty and darn right hilarious and others were contemplative and full of sage wisdom and insight. And so you would think, when it was time to put ink to paper (or keyboard to computer), this task would be a no brainer. I am thinking now, that I should have actually written down some of my thoughts and not stored them in my ever-shrinking cloud memory.

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2023 Regional Council Meeting

2023 Regional Council Meeting

June 1-4, 2023

The United Church in Meadowood

Here is the summary of the Regional Council Meeting . Lay Delegates can refer to this summary when reporting to their Pastoral Charges/Communities of Faith.

A link to the recording of the Regional Meeting highlights, including the Celebration of Ministry Service can be found here.


Proposal #1

Emma Seamone/Karen Tjaden

That Prairie to Pine Regional Council will

  1. Instruct the Regional Council Executive to review the Regional Council’s investment policies, investments, and the practices of its financial institutions, using the United Church in Canada’s “Responsible Investing Guiding Principles”, with a particular focus on climate justice and encouraging the transition from a carbon economy toward becoming leaders in a green economy.
  2. Create an educational process to assist communities of faith and other ministries, their membership and supporters to:
  • communicate with their financial institutions with regard to any policies and practices that fall short of a transition to a green economy, particularly continuing investments in fossil fuel expansion projects.
  • Consider other actions such as switching to a more climate-conscious institution, divesting from less ethical investments, and transferring investments to ethical funds.
  1. Support and promote a Network within the Regional Council to assist its membership in living out the above commitments, and to study Committed to Climate Action: The 2021-2022 Sustainability Report | The United Church of Canada (united-church.ca) and study and act on recommendations found in the 44th General Council proposal GS08 Climate Justice Commitment (2).pdf ).

We invite feedback on this proposal that will go to the Regional Council Executive. Please send your feedback by August 4, 2023, to prairietopine@united-church.ca with the subject line: Feedback on Proposal #2. Thank you!


Proposal #2

A PDF version of Proposal #2 is available here.


We, the Prairie to Pine Regional Council body are only just, in the moment of this weekend, emerging from an imposed, multiple year isolation that global pandemic has inflicted on our lives, the life of our Pastoral Charges and our only just established functioning as a newly created Regional Council, and;


We are only just, in the moment of this weekend beginning to asses the collateral damage to our momentum as a church body, including having to remind ourselves of where we last left our decision-making work around who we define ourselves to be as Prairie to Pine Region and how we intend to function as a body of the larger church, and;


With the dissolution of Presbyteries the Regional Council meeting is now the only opportunity to connect and network as the functioning representatives of the wider church in particular for those representing rural Pastoral Charges or operating in isolated geography, and;


We are only just, in the moment of this weekend, experiencing the release of pandemic grip such that we can be reminded of the multiple levels of benefit that connecting with one another over our various ministry challenges provide us and our church’s development, and;


We have just been encouraged by the Regional Youth Minister and YAAY Ministry representative to consider the evidence of the essential contribution that participating with the meeting of the regional church council has in youth and young adults finding and taking their places in their own churches and the larger church, and;


In the particular life of a teenager, a three year gap in the provision of a regional meeting can typically preclude them from having more than one experience of this kind, and;


In the face of mounting challenges to be church, we are being encouraged to capitalize on and get actively involved in the work of creating new pathways of thinking on and creating what Christ’s church can look and function like moving forward together, and;


The expectation of the nationally deployed staff is to resource three regions and by necessity three annual general meetings over three provinces, in such a short frame risks placing unreasonable work expectations on them and their various ministries, and;


The decision to hereafter move the annual general meeting of Prairie to Pine Regional Council to an every three year rotation was taken outside of consultation of the council body,

We propose that: 

The Prairie to Pine Regional Council three year meeting rotation be reconsidered in order that an alternate functioning model be explored and considered by the regional council body.  

Potential models may include:

  1. The meetings of the three cooperating regions be held over expanded months (e.g. May, September, February) in a yearly rotating fashion between them, thereby reducing the undue expectation on resource staffing to reasonably facilitate meeting needs.
  2. An every third meeting of each body be offered virtually in a rotating fashion
  3. An every other year meeting model be adopted by all regions reducing the staff resourcing to two yearly meetings versus three.
  4. An every other year business meeting model be adopted with alternate years provided as a retreat and resource event based gathering.  Staff requirements to resource these gatherings to be necessarily considered per event as AGM planning team determines.
  5. Any potential model of meeting rotation would take into account the business necessitated by a General Council Meeting year.


  1. Regionally deployed National staff time commitment.
  2. Cost of hosting up to two in person meetings in a three year rotation, instead of one.

Moved by:  Frances Flook

Seconded by: Brenda Shodin

2023 Region Meeting Workbook & Pastoral Relations Commission Status Update

The 2023 Regional Meeting Workbook and Pastoral Relations Commission Status Report are now available to download.

You can also download the Workbook by section:

2022 Regional Council Meeting (online)

2022 Regional Council Meeting (online)

May 6-7, 2022


Celebration of Ministry Service

Thank you to those from Knox United Church, Kenora for hosting the Celebration of Ministry Service of Prairie to Pine Regional Council last Sunday, June 26,2022. The newest ministers in the United Church Canada from Prairie to Pine Regional Council pictured in the attached photo left to right include: Rev. Carrie Martens, Pembina Parish admitted from the Mennonite Church of Eastern Canada; Rev. Chewe Mulenga, Rock Lake Pastoral Charge admitted from the Church of Zambia; Susan Girard from Riverview Atikokan ordained into the Order of Ministry of the United Church of Canada; and Rev. Schalk Naude, Knox United Church, Fort Frances admitted from the Dutch Reformed Church of South Africa. All these Ministers will be continuing in a pastoral relationship with their current communities of faith.

Here is the link to the recording for those who were unable to attend the service in person.

To know more about our ministers, here are their profiles.



Post-Meeting Resources

Pastoral Relations Commission Status Update

The Pastoral Relations Commission Status Update for the period of May 16, 2021 to June  15, 2022 is now available to view and download.

Audited Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

Please click here for the audited non-consolidated financial statements of Prairie to Pine Regional Council (the “Council”) from BDO Canada LLP, which comprise the non-consolidated statement of financial position as at December 31, 2021, and the nonconsolidated statements of operations and changes in net assets, and cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to the non-consolidated financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies.

Meeting Summary

This following documents sum up the 2-day meeting of the 2022 Regional Council on May 6-7, 2022. Thanks to Bev Diebert of Living Skies Regional Council for taking notes and preparing the summary.

Message from the Co-Chairs

Here is the Regional Executive Co-Chairs reflection on the recently concluded 4th Regional Council Meeting.

Video Recordings

You can now watch the video recordings of the 2022 Regional Council Meeting on YouTube.

2021 Regional Council Meeting Minutes

The 2021 Prairie to Pine Regional Council Meeting minutes have been approved on May 6, 2022.

2022 Regional Meeting Workbook Vol. 1

The 2022 Regional Meeting Workbook Vol. 1 is now available to download.

You can also download the Workbook by section:

2021 Regional Council Meeting (online)

2021 Regional Council Meeting (online)

May 28-30, 2021


Meeting Summary

This document sums up the 2-day meeting of the 2021 Regional Council on May 28-29, 2021. Thanks to Bev Diebert of Living Skies Regional Council for taking notes and preparing this summary.

Video Recordings

You can now watch the video recordings of the 2021 Regional Council Meeting on YouTube. Also included is the Affirming Celebration and Worship video on May 30, 2021. Please feel free to use it in your Sunday worship or Pride Sunday in your area.

2020 Regional Council Meeting Minutes

The 2020 Prairie to Pine Regional Council Meeting minutes have been approved on May 28, 2021. Click here to see the approved minutes.

2021 Regional Meeting Workbook Vol. 1 & Pastoral Relations Commission Status Updates

The 2021 Regional Meeting Workbook Vol. 1and Pastoral Relations Commission Status Update are now available to download.

You can also download the Workbook by section:

Other Meeting Resources

General Council 44 Commissioners and Alternates

Please click here for the list of General Council 44 Commissioners and Alternates of the Prairie to Pine Regional Council.

2020 Regional Council Meeting (online)

2020 Regional Council Meeting (online)

Summary and Video; Meeting and Worship Resources – October 7th 2020

Please click here for the summary of the October 7th meeting.

The video of the 2nd night of the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Prairie to Pine Regional Council is available to view on YouTube.

The draft minutes of the Inaugural Meeting of the Prairie to Pine Regional Council on June 13-16, 2019 at the Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB can be viewed here.

Archived: PPT slides for announcements including Zoom instructions and Remit 1 wording.

Our closing worship for the second night included covenanting with Communities of Faith, In Memoriam, Honouring Retirees and Celebrating New Ministers. Worship resources are available to download.


Summary and Video – Sept. 30, 2020

Please click here for the summary of the September 30th meeting.

The video of the 1st night of the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Prairie to Pine Regional Council is available to view on YouTube.


2020 Regional Meeting Workbook Vol. 1 & Pastoral Relations Commission Report

The 2020 Regional Meeting Workbook Vol. 1 and Pastoral Relations Commission Report are now available to download.

You can also download the Workbook by section:

Additional reports: