Rev Kwang Beom Cho, Co-Chair and Diane Dwarka, Chair Elect of the Prairie to Pine Region attended a rally, organized by the people of the Island Lake Area at the Victoria Inn on Tuesday, January 28, 2020. Donna Kennedy and Norah McMurtry also attended as United Church folk.

The purpose of the rally was to lobby for a medical facility/hospital in the Island Lake area. We listened to presentations by our Indigenous sisters and brothers. Then we prayed and spoke and stood in silence for 10 minutes.

As a follow-up we are asking if you would consider signing the petition at your various Communities of Faith.  The petition is a Word document so people can insert their own church’s name where Trinity is. If you wish, you can make changes to the wording. This is a guide that was drafted by Brother Thomas Novak. Please contact for a copy, as Word documents cannot be uploaded to our new website at this time. 

Petitions can be dropped off at St. Andrew’s River Heights and Trinity United Church, Winnipeg.The petitions will all be gathered and sent directly to the House of Commons. Niki Ashton, an MP from Northern Manitoba will deliver them.

For more information, please contact Diane at 204-253-5949.