Prairie to Pine Regional Council, United Church of Canada

As Indigenous and non-Indigenous people who call this land home, we affirm that the Sovereignty and distinct Nationhood of Indigenous peoples need to be upheld.
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Prairie to Pine Regional Council News

Good news story: Sustainable Brandon

Good news story: Sustainable Brandon

Sustainable Brandon is a wonderful example of what can come out of a Faithful Climate Conversation – For the Love of Creation. Our ecumenical partners at For the Love of Creation group in Brandon, Manitoba, connected to both KAIROS and Knox United...

Climate crisis: What can congregations do?

Climate crisis: What can congregations do?

Rev Don Schau, Atlantic Garden City United Church in Winnipeg, offers some thoughts on choosing to get a community of faith involved in climate justice work. Even when the struggle seems daunting or too contentious, there are ways forward that all...

Remit 1 has passed

Remit 1 has passed

Remit 1: Establishing an Autonomous National Indigenous Organization has passed. All 16 Regional Councils, the National Indigenous Council, and just over 80% of pastoral charges in The United Church of Canada voted in the recent remit process. Here...



Pastoral Relations



Prairie to Pine Regional Council