Prairie to Pine Regional Council, United Church of Canada

As Indigenous and non-Indigenous people who call this land home, we affirm that the Sovereignty and distinct Nationhood of Indigenous peoples need to be upheld.
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Prairie to Pine Regional Council News

2020 Assessments

Information regarding the 2020 assessments billing and payment process is available online:

Clusters and Networks- who’s out there?

Clusters and Networks- who’s out there?

Requests and opportunities for participation in various events being held in specific areas throughout the Regional Council  are being received at the office. It would be good to pass these on to groups in those geographic or interest areas. We are...

ZEEBU 2020 youth retreat thank you and summary   

Twila MacNair (Regional UC Youth staff) along with Julia Antonyshyn and William Miller (Zeebu retreat coordinators) would like to thank: Westworth United Church for hosting Zeebu Youth retreat on Feb 14 to 17, 2020.  Thank you to those who helped...

A Truth and Reconciliation Cluster

Winnipeg area has a cluster that is addressing Truth and Reconciliation concerns and they're inviting anyone who likes to join them. Please click here to know more about the group and for links to resources about what is happening around the...

Prairie to Pine annual gathering May 28-30, Steinbach MB

Details: Pat Porter Centre,  Steinbach, Manitoba, 3:00 PM Thursday, May 28 until  3:30 PM, Saturday, May 30, 2020. For information on accommodation options, click here  What to expect at the May 28 – 30 Annual Gathering: A balance of program time...



Pastoral Relations



Prairie to Pine Regional Council