Prairie to Pine Regional Council, United Church of Canada

As Indigenous and non-Indigenous people who call this land home, we affirm that the Sovereignty and distinct Nationhood of Indigenous peoples need to be upheld.
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Prairie to Pine Regional Council News

Sacraments Elders Re-Licensing Applications

Sacraments Elders Re-Licensing Applications

Those Communities of Faith seeking to re-licensing of a Sacraments Elder for the Pastoral Year, July 01, 2021 to June 30, 2022 should complete the appropriate form and forward it to the Pastoral Relations Minister as noted on the form prior to the...

Seeking to Reduce Harm series, May 2021

Seeking to Reduce Harm series, May 2021

May 12, 19, 26  6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Central Daylight time (MB and parts of NW Ontario) People are dying from substance use disorder in record numbers in Canada, and we as a society, and as a church, desperately need better ways to address their...

Are you called? Summary of opportunities to serve

Are you called? Summary of opportunities to serve

Download this letter as a PDF here. There are over 90 members of Prairie to Pine currently doing work for the Region and the wider church - that is, doing work on our collective behalf. We extend a Huge Thank You to all of you! The Nominating...

COVID 19 updates for Manitoba

COVID 19 updates for Manitoba

Manitoba On March 23rd, 2021 the province of Manitoba announced some revisions to the red restrictions that are to expire on March 25, 2021. Changes to the Public Health Orders effective March 26, 2021 at 12: 01 a.m. that will most directly effect...



Pastoral Relations



Prairie to Pine Regional Council