Prairie to Pine Weekly News

Information that you would like included in the Weekly News should be sent to Cherry through this email by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesdays: 

 NOTE: We will be aiming to send out the Weekly News on Wednesdays.

Please click here to join our mailing list and to see the latest and previous issues of the Weekly News.

Pastoral letter on COVID-19

Pastoral letter on COVID-19

PDF version of this letter Greetings to Communities of Faith and Ministry Personnel in Living Skies, Northern Spirit, and Prairie to Pine Regional Councils, We are writing at this time to say thank you for your leadership in this unprecedented time. We know that there...

Regional Council statement on COVID-19 coronavirus

Regional Council statement on COVID-19 coronavirus

PDF version of this statement. Dear Friends in Christ, Emergency situations are a potential reality for all communities. Taking the time to plan how we would respond to the day-to-day needs of our faith communities during such events is essential. Discussion about...

Rallying for a Health Facility for Island Lake Area

Rev Kwang Beom Cho, Co-Chair and Diane Dwarka, Chair Elect of the Prairie to Pine Region attended a rally, organized by the people of the Island Lake Area at the Victoria Inn on Tuesday, January 28, 2020. Donna Kennedy and Norah McMurtry also attended as United Church...

New Truth and Reconciliation Cluster, Winnipeg and area

New Truth and Reconciliation Cluster, Winnipeg and area

Winnipeg area has a cluster that is addressing Truth and Reconciliation concerns and they're inviting anyone who likes to join them. Please read on below click here to learn more about the group and its purpose, and for links to resources about what is happening...

Video Licensing Information, May 2020 to April 2021 licenses

The United Church's EDGE Network is pleased to offer you the opportunity to obtain a Public Performance Video License at great cost savings for your community of faith! Public Performance Licenses enable your community of faith to show full-length or clips from movies...

Church Development Inc. (CDI) Loan and Grant Application  

CDI (Church Development Incorporated) provides grants and loans for United Church congregations and United Church accountable entities within the boundaries of the former Winnipeg Presbytery. Created by Winnipeg Presbytery to supervise funds donated from the sale of...

Attention Potential Retirees in the 2019-2020 Pastoral Year

The Annual Meeting Planning Committee has begun gathering to plan for the meeting of the Prairie to Pine Regional Council in Steinbach on May 28- 30, 2020. With a change of meeting times (earlier on Thursday until mid-day Saturday) there will be some changes in...

Prairie to Pine annual gathering May 28-30, Steinbach MB

Details: Pat Porter Centre,  Steinbach, Manitoba, 3:00 PM Thursday, May 28 until  3:30 PM, Saturday, May 30, 2020. For information on accommodation options, click here  What to expect at the May 28 – 30 Annual Gathering: A balance of program time and annual meeting...

Prairie to Pine Regional Council