Many thanks to the United Church project Faithful Footprints for this thorough story on Prairie to Pine’s new policy on divesting from financial institutions that are funding major climate change drivers.  The policy also calls for education, engagement, and networking. And that involves the whole Region. Click here to read the Regional policy and commitments.

Thanks to Aleyxa Gates Julien for covering the whole story, and for reminding us all of another opportunity for churches to shrink their energy use. Faithful Footprints is a United Church-funded program that helps church buildings use less energy and lessen reliance on fossil fuels. There’s regional support available; see this page for details, and consider contacting them with your hopes and questions. Even the process and conversation involved in thinking through the options is an important part of connecting our faith to climate concerns.

The Region will be looking at how to make connections between participants in Faithful Footprints and the climate advocacy noted above. If you or your ministry is interested in making this connection, let Regional staff Julie Graham know (