Two hands and forearms, stretching out diagonally to clasp hands, with a sunrise in the background. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 tells us that “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” These are good words to keep in mind as we begin the work of nominations for the regional council for the coming year.

The Prairie to Pine Regional nominating committee is working to fill positions on various committees for the upcoming year. Our committee is carefully discerning the balance, passions, experience, and new voices for all committees in the Prairie to Pine Region.

If you feel called to one of these vacant positions, or know someone who may be a good fit, please fill out this form online, or speak to a member of the nominations team. Our email:

Your Nominations Committee: Betty Kelly, Joey Dearborn, Frances Flook, Teresa Melnychuk, Anna Stewart.


Click on each of the links below for details on the committee:

Committee on Community of Faith Support  (1 – 2 openings)

  • Provides oversight and support to communities of faith, especially pastoral charges in their day to day mission and ministry and guidance with matters of transition such as structural changes, amalgamation, realignment and closure.

Committee on Ministry Personnel Support  (2 openings)

  • Provides support to all ministry personnel, encouraging and supporting them toward health, joy and excellence in ministry practice

Nominating Committee    (2 – 3 openings esp in Winnipeg and S. Central areas)

  • Matching the skills and gifts of individuals with the needs of the Prairie to Pine Region