Join us virtually for our Celebration of Ministries Service, on June 4, 2023, @ 10:30 am streamed live from the United Church in Meadowood. We will celebrate the diversity of ministry we have in our region. Moderator, Right Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne will offer the message. The service will mark the Commissioning of Patricia Chabluk, the Ordination of Damber Khadka, and the Admission to the Order of Ministry in The United Church of Canada of Rev. Noel Suministrado. Communion will be celebrated. If you are joining livestream, you are encouraged to have communion elements with you. The service will mark the end of our annual meeting, and the culmination of the theme Through the Wilderness Together, as we celebrate those taking on ordered leadership within our church. It will be streamed live through the Prairie to Pine Regional Council’s YouTube Channel: