Prairie to Pine Regional Council, United Church of Canada

As Indigenous and non-Indigenous people who call this land home, we affirm that the Sovereignty and distinct Nationhood of Indigenous peoples need to be upheld.
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Prairie to Pine Regional Council News

Annual meeting 2023 planning and budgeting info

Annual meeting 2023 planning and budgeting info

Beloved Communities of Faith in Prairie to Pine, The planning committee for our annual meeting has begun meeting. It is early days and very little has been decided. Saying that, as the daughter of a church treasurer, I know this is budgeting season...

Youth Confirmation Retreat

Youth Confirmation Retreat

On the weekend of Friday November 11th to Sunday November 13th a Confirmation Exploration Retreat was held at the United Church in Meadowood. Eleven youth and young adults from six different faith communities participated in the event to explore...

Stewardship Best Practices workshop opportunities

Stewardship Best Practices workshop opportunities

What would it mean for you to raise more money for your camp, chaplaincy or outreach ministry? More money means more ministry, right? More lives changed? More impact? Absolutely. Then don’t miss this chance to learn the Stewardship Best Practices...

Welcome to our new Executive Assistant

Welcome to our new Executive Assistant

We welcome Chantal Winslow as the new Executive Assistant. She will work with Northern Spirit, Living Skies, and Prairie to Pine, as well as areas of work that include all three Regional Councils. Chantal will work closely with Executive Minister...

Fun at ALF Regional Youth Retreat

Fun at ALF Regional Youth Retreat

47 young people met at Carman United Church for a weekend, Oct 21 to 23, 2022, for the region wide ALF youth retreat.  ALF which stands for Adolescents Learning About Faith, has run for 36 years straight with ALF 2020 being held online and ALF 2021...

Update on local events and the Regional newsletter

Update on local events and the Regional newsletter

Dear Prairie to Pine newsletter readers and sharers, We know we send you a lot of material every single week through our Regional newsletter. The newsletters team has appreciated your ideas for improvement that have been shared in our survey and in...



Pastoral Relations



Prairie to Pine Regional Council