Prairie to Pine Regional Council, United Church of Canada

As Indigenous and non-Indigenous people who call this land home, we affirm that the Sovereignty and distinct Nationhood of Indigenous peoples need to be upheld.
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Prairie to Pine Regional Council News

Zoom Basics

Zoom Basics

PDF version available A word about Zoom from your friendly Regional Council Zoom, Zoom, Zoom all the time!  Zoom is software that lets groups of people meet with video and audio, or only audio. The United Church is using it non stop during this...

Prayer for a time of pandemic

Prayer for a time of pandemic

A prayer of gratitude and intercession in a time of pandemic (Credit: many writers and inspirations. Shared by Earl Reaburn, Northern Spirit pastoral relations minister, during our regional checks in during Week One in Northern Spirit, Living...

Pastoral letter on COVID-19

Pastoral letter on COVID-19

PDF version of this letter Greetings to Communities of Faith and Ministry Personnel in Living Skies, Northern Spirit, and Prairie to Pine Regional Councils, We are writing at this time to say thank you for your leadership in this unprecedented...



Pastoral Relations



Prairie to Pine Regional Council