Two kids talking on an old school tin can phone. Text: Are you called? Your gifts are needed.

Opportunities to Share your Talents & Interests in 2024 – 2025

Put your passion into action! Where is God calling you to share your gifts with the wider church for the sake of Christ’s ministry in Prairie to Pine? In this PDF, which is easily shareable and printable, you’ll find a complete list of opportunities. Please share with your community of faith in your announcements and newsletters, and in conversations.

Whether you have served on Regional structures before, or are brand new, we want to find something that works for your skills, interests, and faith. For more information, and if you’d like a conversation on any of these opportunities, please contact the Nominating committee at

Did you know: Your Nominations Committee estimates that our Regional Council governance has 110 positions! And that doesn’t even count task groups, the Young Adults and Youth Committee, Networks, Clusters, and board members who serve our community partners.

Thank you to all the people, past, present, and future, who keep our Region active, committed, knowledgeable, and faithful. Thank you for serving this part of the Body of Christ.