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Prairie to Pine News and Updates

Level Up! Website creation for local ministries

Level Up! Website creation for local ministries

An opportunity for United Church Communities of Faith to affordably develop and/or upgrade their ministry websites and online presence The reality is that an effective church website is practically essential for all United Church ministries communities of faith. ...

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Hate mail being sent to Affirming ministries

Hate mail being sent to Affirming ministries

Transphobic and homophobic hate mail from the US is again being sent to United Church Affirming ministries. The package contains messages and a USB key, and often has a Customs declaration that it is a “gift.” Some are sent from “Woodward Publications” in Oklahoma. If...

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Advent Greetings from the Growth Animator

Advent Greetings from the Growth Animator

Advent Greetings Friends and Colleagues from Your Growth Animator, Advent is a time of anticipation, waiting and preparing for the coming of Christ and all that means for each of us. It is a time for hope, a time for peace and justice, a time to share the joy within...

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ALF 2023 Youth Retreat – Lost in Translation

ALF 2023 Youth Retreat – Lost in Translation

Oct 20th to 22nd, 36 participants grade 7 to 12, led by 20 young leaders, explored the theme "Lost in Translation: the History of the Bible, How it has Changed through the Ages, and Whose Voices Are Missing." The theme times were very inter-active starting with a...

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Regional Council celebration of ministry service Sept 24

Regional Council celebration of ministry service Sept 24

Sunday, September 24, people throughout the Prairie to Pine Regional Council are invited to the Service of Recognition of Tanis Podobni as a Designated Lay Minister! (And a reminder: all covenanting and celebration of ministry services are posted on our Regional...

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Prairie to Pine Regional Council