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Prairie to Pine News and Updates

Call for General Council 45 Commissioners

Call for General Council 45 Commissioners

Prairie to Pine GC 45 Commissioners: nominations now open In 2025 we’ll celebrate the United Church’s 100th birthday, and see a return to an in-person General Council in Calgary. It’s going to be a big and busy year. Important preparation for the 45th meeting of the...

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Opportunities to serve the Region, spring 2024

Opportunities to serve the Region, spring 2024

Opportunities to Share your Talents & Interests in 2024 – 2025 Put your passion into action! Where is God calling you to share your gifts with the wider church for the sake of Christ’s ministry in Prairie to Pine? In this PDF, which is easily shareable and...

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Open climate justice forum 22nd of every month

Open climate justice forum 22nd of every month

Prairie to Pine’s monthly online meeting on climate justice and financing, 22nd of every month, 7:00 PM Your or your community of faith have received a letter from Prairie to Pine encouraging  you to start a conversation with your bank or credit union  about where...

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Good news story: Sustainable Brandon

Good news story: Sustainable Brandon

Sustainable Brandon is a wonderful example of what can come out of a Faithful Climate Conversation – For the Love of Creation. Our ecumenical partners at For the Love of Creation group in Brandon, Manitoba, connected to both KAIROS and Knox United Church, held three...

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Climate crisis: What can congregations do?

Climate crisis: What can congregations do?

Rev Don Schau, Atlantic Garden City United Church in Winnipeg, offers some thoughts on choosing to get a community of faith involved in climate justice work. Even when the struggle seems daunting or too contentious, there are ways forward that all our communities of...

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Remit 1 has passed

Remit 1 has passed

Remit 1: Establishing an Autonomous National Indigenous Organization has passed. All 16 Regional Councils, the National Indigenous Council, and just over 80% of pastoral charges in The United Church of Canada voted in the recent remit process. Here are the results of...

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Prairie to Pine Regional Council