On behalf of the Prairie to Pine Regional Council we wish to offer our deepest condolences, our deep sadness, on the passing of Grand Chief Cathy Merrick, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs.

A photo of Grand Chief Cathy Merrick speaking on a small stage in front of a longhouse, on a windy and overcast day. People behind her, including the Moderator, Rev Carmen Lansdowne, hold signs reading "search the landfill".She was a ground breaker and tireless champion for her people. Her passing leaves a mighty crater but also an incredible example of never giving up on making a pathway to doing what is just and right. Our prayers and thoughts are with her family, the Pimicikamak Cree Nation, the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, and all who grieve this loss.

As a community, we were very honoured to join the Grand Chief, church leaders, and the leaders of Camp Morgan at a vigil and press conference a year ago, holding up the call to search the landfill. With hundreds of others we listened to her powerful and heartfelt words in support of the landfill search and an end to the continued epidemic of violence targeting Indigenous women, girls, and Two Spirit people.

The country has lost a great leader: one dedicated to community wellbeing, healing, truth, and justice, who carried those sacred commitments into all of her work. Creator, receive one of your own beloved as she joins the ancestors.

We ask Winnipeg and area people to please note details on the two gatherings all are invited to, below.

Dawn Rolke, Lynne Sanderson: Co-Chairs, Prairie to Pine Regional Council

Candlelight vigil and sunrise ceremony

The family of the late Grand Chief Cathy Merrick invites all to gather for a Candlelight Vigil on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 7 PM at the Law Courts Building, 408 York Ave., Winnipeg, MB to honour her memory and legacy. Candles will be provided. Everyone is welcome to join in this moment of remembrance and reflection. Let’s come together in support and solidarity for the incredible leadership, strength, and love Grand Chief Cathy Merrick shared with our communities.

Sunrise Prayers and Ceremony, Wednesday September 11, 2024, The Oodena Circle, The Forks, Winnipeg. Arrival by 6:30 AM, sunrise at 7:00 AM. This call is for all who feel drawn to this sacred moment. We especially ask that the bundle and pipe carriers within our Nations come together in a unified prayer. Chiefs from across our territory, who will already be in Treaty One, are encouraged to join us for this important ceremony. We also extend this invitation to spiritual leaders of all faiths and traditions to stand in solidarity and prayer with us. Click here for full information.