The Annual Meeting Planning Committee has begun gathering to plan for the meeting of the Prairie to Pine Regional Council in Steinbach on May 28- 30, 2020. With a change of meeting times (earlier on Thursday until mid-day Saturday) there will be some changes in schedule. It has been the tradition in the past the honour retirees as part of the Annual Gathering.

It would be helpful for the Regional Council Pastoral Relations Commission/Minister to have a sense, sooner rather than later, of those who anticipate retirement at any point between September, 2019 and September 1, 2020 in order to pass this information on to them.

If you are Ministry Personnel who plan on requesting the commencement of your UCC pension at any point during this period, please email the Pastoral Relations Minister, Judy Hare with this information.(Email:

Judy can ensure that you have all the information you require related to various forms, processes and timelines related to retirement and regulations currently in place about re-engagement in any functions of ministry (appointments or occasional) after you begin collecting your UCC pension.