This committee provides support to all ministry personnel, encouraging them toward health, joy and excellence in ministry practice. The committee seeks to encourage ministry personnel in the absence of formal localized structures to support and encourage ways of collegial connection and opportunities to gather locally.  This committee has a minimum of 3 members with the hope for greater diversity and geographical representation. As a committee, it reports to the Regional Council or its Executive which makes decisions upon any matters requiring such.

Committee on Ministry Personnel Support Mandate

Committee on Ministry Personnel Support Members

Joan Jarvis

Chris Davis

Cathy Maxwell

David Howell

Liaison to P2P Regional Council

Susan Tilleman

Judy Hare

Pastoral Relations Minister- Staff Support

MP2MP Connectors

In the interests of breaking down isolation often experienced by ministry personnel, in 2020 the Committee on Ministry Personnel Support developed a program called MP2MP Connectors. Each of the volunteer connectors will relate to an assigned group of Ministry Personnel in active ministry, extending the care of the church to each person on the list by initiating individual contact, offering opportunities for ongoing conversation, and making available additional  resources for more in-depth support. Ministry Personnel were/are free to opt out of this support program.

For more details about the MP2MP Connector program, please see the MP2MP Connector mandate.

If you are uncertain about who your  assigned MP2MP Connector is, please contact the program coordinator, David  Howell

Those currently involved in the ministry role of MP2MP Connectors include:

Heather Robbins, Cheryl Kinney Matheson, Irene Greenwood, Deborah Vitt, Deborah Murray, Ann Duncan, Ken DeLisle, Cathie Waldie, Nancy Sanders, Joan Jarvis and Jack Ballantine-Dickson.


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