Committee on Community of Faith Support

This committee provides oversight and support to communities of faith, especially pastoral charges in their day to day mission and ministry and guidance with matters of transition such as structural changes, amalgamation, realignment and closure. This committee with a minimum of 3 members reports to the Regional Council through the Executive, making recommendations on matters requiring decisions to these bodies. In the former structure, much of the work of this committee was done by Pastoral Oversight Committees in Presbyteries.

Regional Council Policies and Resources

Regional Council Policies and Resources

Government Policies

Committee on Community of Faith Support Members

Pat Bird

Chair/Rep to the Regional Council Executive

Retired Laboratory Technologist.
I have been a member of the UCC since 1982 having started my church life in the Roman Catholic Church. I attended Young United Church and worked with West Broadway Community Ministry. My partner, Barry and our daughter, Melanie transferred membership to Selkirk United Church in 2001.
I have been active in my congregation on various committees and served as Selkirk Presbytery Rep for many years.
I developed a love of the wider church and really enjoy the opportunity to connect with people. This committee has been a joyful experience.
I currently am co-chair of the PtoP Regional Council Executive.


Heather Sandilands

Notekeeper for the Committee

Heather is a Diaconal Minister serving in a rural multi-point Pastoral Charge.  Originally from southern Quebec (in unceded territory of Haudenosaunee and the Wabanaki Confederacies), with extended stints of living in New Brunswick and southern Ontario, she has lived in MB and SK since 1999.  Commissioned by MNWO Conference in 2004, she has served primarily small rural congregations as solo ministry personnel since 2002.  Primarily a teacher-at-heart she is certified as a Spiritual Director/Companion and an SME Facilitator and has worked formally with students in all 3 streams of ministry, as well as doing education and support with Lay volunteers. She unwinds from work with music, movies, as an intermittent 4H Project Leader, and long walks with her new companion Shadow, a 1-yr old Retriever.

Silas Lee

Retired from work but not retired in serving the church.  I attend the Chinese United Church of Winnipeg and am currently the chair of the steward committee. Prior to rejoining the Chinese United Church I was involved with a different church denomination where I taught Sunday school as well served in multiple different board positions. I also served as a board member at the District and North American Association levels.

Irene Chabluk

Bill Millar

Staff Support

Judy Hare

Pastoral Relations Minister

Cherry Abad

Administrative Support