The family and friends of Delia Corinna Cruz Alvarez

The family and friends of Delia Corinna Cruz Alvarez who died on Saturday, September 28 at the age of 91. Delia was a member of Broadway Disciples United Church, Winnipeg. Details of the Visitation and funeral can be found in the obituary:

The family and friends of Rev. Bill Hickerson

The family and friends of Rev. Bill Hickerson who died on September 13, 2019 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Bill was the minister at Immanuel United Church from 1985 until his retirement in 1994, after which he remained an honoured elder in the church. He was the Executive Secretary of the former Conference of Manitoba/ and Northwestern Ontario from 1976 to 1985. 

A Celebration of Life will take place at Immanuel United Church, 755 Golspie Street, Winnipeg, MB on Sat, Nov 16, 2019 at 2 pm. See the obituary for more info:

The United Church of Canada and the Disciples of Christ

The United Church of Canada and the Disciples of Christ as they celebrate full communion agreement with one another and celebrate this new relationship this weekend in Winnipeg at Broadway Disciples United Church (see detailed announcement under “Repeat News”)

Steinbach United Church and Rev. Paul Duval and Rev. Susan McPherson Derendy

The community of Faith at Steinbach United Church Winnipeg and Rev. Paul Duval and Rev. Susan McPherson Derendy as they celebrate their pastoral relations covenant together with Prairie to Pine Regional Council on Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at Steinbach United Church (541 Main Street). All in the wider church community are encouraged and welcome to attend.