We join in prayer for the loved ones and community of Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran in their grief and in their relief, as both bodies have now been found in the Prairie Green landfill near Winnipeg. We pray for their healing journeys. We also lift prayers that the spirits of Morgan and Marcedes are at peace with the Creator.
We pray for the loved ones of Mashkode Bizhiki’ikwe, who as yet has not been found or identified, that these relatives too will eventually find answers, and be able to bury her with dignity.
We pray with deep gratitude for the volunteers and professionals who willingly took on the hard task of searching the landfill, and who continue to search. We pray for all those who advocated for a search that should never have needed their advocacy. It should have happened long ago. We give thanks for those who did listen, and who helped the search begin. May all these voices help our society do the right thing, including taking on more commitments to stop this terrible and continuing epidemic of violence against Indigenous women, girls, and Two Spirit people.
God, hear our prayers and grief. Move us to the committed action of compassion and give us the strength to believe in the possibility of change, through our actions and your spirit.