Clusters & Networks

Networks and Clusters, Prairie to Pine Regional Council, written on a royal blue background, with a close up image of a spiderweb with dew drops to the right.

What are Clusters and Networks? Who’s working on them, and how do the people of the United Church in Manitoba and parts of Northwestern Ontario get involved?

First, the language:

Clusters: local (or potentially face to face) groupings of communities of faith that provide community and support for communities of faith and their leaders, and focus on worship, mission, learning, collegiality, and planning

Networks: linking people working on specific issues (e.g., supportive housing, intercultural ministry, youth ministry) or for project work (e.g., event planning) that function through the whole church, depending on the issue. These can be in part of our region, region-wide, cross Regional, or national.

Who can form either of these? Anyone. For what purpose? Anything involving community, mutual support, and the overall justice and peace mission of the church.

Here is our Spring 2024 list of Networks and Clusters.  Please make sure you’re on it! Interested in starting a Network or Cluster? Confused? Have ideas to share? Please contact the office: or 204-594-8381


Funding is available to support the program work of your Cluster or Network, including support for travel, events, and supplies. Click here to access the online funding form.

Networks and Clusters News

It’s ON! Regional Councils Snow and Ice Art Competition 2022

It’s ON! Regional Councils Snow and Ice Art Competition 2022

It’s another COVID winter and it’s all too easy to feel isolated, tired, and just blah. So, our Regional Council is joining with other Regions and holding an all ages Snow and Ice Art competition. This is your chance to dust off your creativity and your communal...

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We Are All Treaty People Event report

We Are All Treaty People Event report

Report: We Are All Treaty People Event – Sunday, September 19, 2021 PDF version of this article. The Winnipeg Truth and Reconciliation Cluster of the United Church writes, On September 19 of this year the We are all Treaty People event (WAATP) was presented as a...

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Western Intercultural AGM plans for the future

Western Intercultural AGM plans for the future

November 2 the Western Intercultural  Ministry Network held a workshop and its annual general meeting, bringing us together in community, learning, and storytelling at the end of another strange COVID year. See the workshop and AGM presentation here (PowerPoint) and...

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Encountering the Intercultural Iceberg: the Clergy Collar!

Encountering the Intercultural Iceberg: the Clergy Collar!

Encountering the Intercultural Iceberg: the Clergy Collar! Speakers Rev Lee Spice, Rev Piotr (Peter) Strzelecki VDM, and resource people from the WIMN executive, followed by conversation and a short AGM for the Network. Join the Western Intercultural Ministry Network...

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Greetings from the Affirm Cluster of SW Manitoba

Greetings from the Affirm Cluster of SW Manitoba

“Signs, Signs Everywhere a Sign” – Greetings from the Affirm Cluster of Southwestern Manitoba. As a result of meetings held after the dissolution of Assiniboine Presbytery Justice Committee, some enthusiastic people started to discuss the possibility of forming an...

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Manitoba vigils for Light a Flame for Livable Income

Manitoba vigils for Light a Flame for Livable Income

Light a Flame for Guaranteed Livable Income! National action April 8. Click here for a PDF list of vigils at Manitoba Member of Parliament constituency offices, 8 April 2021 at 12:30PM local. In all cases except Opaswayak Cree nation, meet at the MP’s constituency...

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Keep Housing Public Action Call for MB

Keep Housing Public Action Call for MB

Right to Housing is a coalition that advocates for quality, affordable housing for low-income people in Manitoba.  United Church congregations have been involved since we began this work, over 15 years ago.  Right to Housing is now asking supporting groups to write to...

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Former Agassiz Presbytery Cluster

Former Agassiz Presbytery Cluster

At the last P2P Conference in Winnipeg, Rev Brenda Gibson, myself and Grace Olson, a Lay Rep from Glenboro decided it would be nice for all of the people involved in the Agassiz Presbytery in our area to keep in touch. As Crystal City was in the centre of most for...

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United Church News

The first annual report of the General Council Office’s 2023‒2025 strategic plan connects overall progress of strategic objectives and stories with financial reporting. Read More

The Executive Committee of the National Council of Churches of Kenya urges the government to “Listen to the People of Kenya” and calls for seven days of mourning. Read More

WCC statement is eight months’ too late, Kairos Palestine says, and ignores seven decades of “brutal colonization.” Churches, and ecumenically, the WCC, must avoid neutrality. Read More

The United Church of Canada and The Presbyterian Church in Canada are partnering to bring inspiring worship, amazing speakers, engaging workshops, and experiential activities to youth, young adults,… Read More

Far too many people have been killed in the Philippines. Show your solidarity by joining an interfaith call for peace. Read More

Prairie to Pine Regional Council