How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of Peace and bring glad tidings of good things(Romans 10:15).

The Board of Vocation feels tremendous gratitude for the dedication and commitment of the Ministers who work tirelessly for their communities. We understand and appreciate that it takes many hours of the day to be creative and steadfast, and perform the work that is necessary to fulfil that commitment of creating an atmosphere of peace and love in your church community. We see that this can be difficult in the face of the pandemic and unrest in other parts of the world as it affects us all. We want you to know that we as a board, are grateful and send you our prayers in support of your well-being. And Clergy Appreciation Month is a good time to celebrate. Here are some suggestions to celebrate Clergy Appreciation Month (From Connex Sept 2019):

Why Celebrate?

  • Although ministry is a calling from God, and most ministers could not imagine doing anything else, it is still challenging and stressful.
  • Many ministry personnel find their work isolating even though they are surrounded by people all the time.
  • Ministry personnel don’t always get to hear what they are doing right, only what they could improve on.
  • Through appreciating our current leaders, we encourage others to consider these roles in the future.

What You Might Do:

  • Pray for your minister and those in church leadership;
  • Ask your minister why they went into ministry and what they love about it;
  • Write a thank-you card, e-mail, or letter of appreciation;
  • Invite the minister or other church leaders out for coffee or a meal; or
  • Get creative and have fun showing your minister and your church leaders how much you appreciate their hard work!