Your spring invitation to win prizes and consider serving with the Regional Council

Two children, smiling and talking on a "phone" - tin cans on a string. Text: Are you called? Prairie to Pine Nominations

Spring is finally close to the horizon! And that means that some of the 100 plus people who serve the wider church through our Regional Council are approaching the end of their formal service to our many committees, Commissions, boards, and task groups. Thank you many times over for your ministry of time and skill, commitment and love. The Regional Council and its many relationships and responsibilities could not work without you.

The Nominations committee is responsible for finding new people. They ask for your active help in identifying and approaching people who might be interested in serving. (This makes them and you sound like a shark. You are not.) Delegates to the Regional Council: we are counting on your help in making this bridge between local and regional ministry.

There are opportunities on many committees, and the Nominations committee is happy to talk with you any time about your interests. Below are our top needs- and opportunities! Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the committee; please call them through the Regional office at 204- 233- 8911, as we avoid posting their personal data online. If you’re ready to express your interest, here’s the form that helps us keep track. If you have trouble working with it, give the office a call.

Committee on Community of Faith Support: If you love communities of faith in all their diversity, this group is for you. This committee oversees and coordinates the Regional Council’s responsibility to support Communities of Faith in their life and work. Some examples: The Committee provides education resources and promote programs that help ensure Communities of Faith are safe, healthy, and vital ministries and in compliance with United Church policies. They support Communities of Faith in structural changes, amalgamations, and disbanding. They support emerging new ministries and participate in events to recognize Community of Faith closures within our Regional Council- working with both birth and ministry end of life.

Property Commission: If you love buildings and cemeteries and all the wider meaning they hold, this group is for you. They create guidelines and make decisions regarding buying, leasing, selling, and renovating all property for the Regional Council and Communities of Faith within the Prairie to Pine Region. The Commission receives and reviews requests to seek to sell or purchase real property, and requests for renovations over $50K, including the approval of mortgages and financing agreements. The Commission also ensures that all legal requirements for transactions are met and provide consent documents in due form. And it distributes the proceeds of sales within denomination guidelines and Regional policies.

Nominations Committee: this fine crew matches the passion and skills of members of Prairie to Pine with the work and ministries of associated committees, commissions, and task groups, as well as external organizations where the Regional Council has board representation. They get to know the people of the Regional Council very well. If you like matching people’s sense of call to the church’s opportunities, this committee is for you!