Click here for a PDF version of this letter.  For further background on the situation facing Rev Lee, please click here.

A young minister with black hair and glasses is seen seated at a table, holding and reading a bible.
Dear Rev. Lee Dong Hwan,

May the peace of Christ be with you.

We are writing on behalf of the Equity and Diversity Committee for Prairie to Pine, an Affirming Regional Council of the United Church of Canada.

We believe that we are called, among other things, to offer an open heart to all God’s people. This follows Jesus’ teachings to love one another. We extend that love to all, inclusive of their ability, age, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, socio-economic status or any other human division.

We believe your blessing at the Queer Festival followed the teachings of Jesus; we want to thank you for offering that blessing.

We are all disheartened to hear that the Korean Methodist Church has used disciplinary action towards you, saddened by your suspension, and angered by the homophobic prejudice displayed by the Korean Methodist Church.

We applaud your stance against hate and discrimination and stand in solidarity with you, across the many miles that separate us.

We hold you and your family, the Queer community of Korea and the Korean Methodist Church in our prayers.


Yours in Christ,

Ken DeLisle and Jamie Miller

Co Chairs, Equity and Diversity Committee

Prairie to Pine Regional Council

United Church of Canada