A hand putting a coin into a translucent piggy bank.Our finance administrator, Heather Dootoff, has some important reminders about assessments and charitable returns. (Because we all know how much fun we have with year end finances.)

Earlier in 2020 the Canada Revenue Agency extended the deadline for submission of the 2019 charitable returns (T3010 form).  Those are due by December 31, 2020.


Many congregations chose to defer scheduled assessment payments during the early days of COVID-19. This was a temporary option offered by the national church to assist with cashflow at a difficult time.  However: Deferred assessments are still payable.  To reinstate preauthorized payments e-mail assessments@united-church.ca or find information on other payment options at the link below.

The 2020 assessment billing statement is available online together with all pastoral charge statistics reports. You will need your M&S number and the access code associated with the annual church statistics report (blue forms) to install and log in to the Web Application. Please note this application currently only works on computers with Windows 7 or later, and not yet on Apple devices.

Further information about assessments can be found on the national website.

For those of you how have already paid your assessments in full, please know that we appreciate that you done so in these very challenging circumstances. Your assessment makes a huge range of ministry possible.