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Join in on Friday, October 27, 2023 at noon Central Time for an online discussion of climate change and how to respond as faith-filled individuals and as ministers.
This past summer has delivered unprecedented and extreme weather phenomena to many parts of Canada and around the world. What are the implications of climate change to your community and context? Who are we within the community of creation, and what is our responsibility to all life on Earth? What does climate change mean for the collective ministry of diakonia?
Our special guests will be Eric Tusz-King and Katrina March. Eric is a “mostly-retired” Diaconal Minister in the United Church, with experience in housing and energy issues, who has served on the UCC’s Climate Advisory Committee and is still on the Climate Advisory Committee for the town of Tantramar, NB, where he currently lives. Katrina is a deaconess and environmental engineer who is a member of the Lutheran Diaconal Association. She is a writer, speaker, preacher, teacher, and advocate for a better way of living together within creation. She recently moved to Spokane, Washington.
CCS Fridays events are free. Please register here to receive a link: