Important notice: this page is now archived.

Our updates have become infrequent enough that the newsfeed on this page is now archived. Please carefully check the date on any post that you view.
As always throughout this pandemic, we ask that you please refer first and always to provincial and federal sources, as well to your local government or band council and your Member of Parliament and provincial or territorial representative as needed. These sources shape our decision-making and responsibilities, and will guide responses from The United Church of Canada.

For all national United Church of Canada updates, keep visiting here. See also:
Health Canada           Manitoba                        Ontario

The newsfeed below includes Regional Council news about the COVID-19 pandemic, and some national updates. We’re also holding weekly check ins for both lay leaders and ministry personnel. Please see our calendar for details. For all resources on “re-opening”, please click here.

Prayer for a time of pandemic

Prayer for a time of pandemic

A prayer of gratitude and intercession in a time of pandemic (Credit: many writers and inspirations. Shared by Earl Reaburn, Northern Spirit pastoral relations minister, during our regional checks...

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United Church News

Responding to the call to discipleship, The United Church of Canada seeks to share faith and build community with our neighbours. Read More

September includes some critical dates to practise bold discipleship and stand up for daring justice! Here are some resources for action and to help make our voices heard. Read More

Learn about the impact of your donations for Ukrainians and how The United Church of Canada partners with ACT to respond to emergencies around the world. Read More

The 40 Days of Engagement on Anti-Racism return October 15‒November 29. Save the dates now for weekly live events. Read More

Your church can host an online presentation where young Indigenous and racialized scholars showcase research they have done in creative ways. Witness their passion and engage with the challenges they… Read More

Prairie to Pine Regional Council