Hands typing on a laptop. We see the seated person from the shoulders down.The 2022 Assessment information is now on Church Hub. Communities of Faith are able to access 2022 assessment information including the calculations through your Church Hub account (www.churchhub.ca). Once you sign into your account, go to the Assessment tile, select Reports, then Target Assessments and click on “Download PDF”. You can also access the current status of your 2021 assessment.

If you require more information you can consult the recording of the October 27,2021 Webinar for Church Treasurers, the recording of which is available through United-in-Learning:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMTFscWHGHc

NOTE: The discussion around assessment starts at about the 50-minute mark in the presentation. Questions or further assistance can be directed to assessments@united-church.ca

The next Webinar for Church Treasurers is scheduled for November 24 ,2021 at 6:00 p.m. CT with more information available through: https://www.united-in-learning.com/index.php/webinars/316-congregational-finances