Nominating Committee


Joey Dearborn


Frances Flook


Harold Kenyon


Marissa Smirl


Nominating Committee- striving to match your gifts to the church’s call

This group of skilled volunteers matches the skills and gifts of individuals with the needs of the Prairie to Pine Region. The church needs your gifts, skills, and experience! Please scroll down this page to see the latest opportunities, which include not only Regional Council committees, but specific task groups and our many partnerships. Click here for the latest national church opportunities, which are managed by the General Council.

Committee membership for 2024-5: Joey Dearborn, Frances Flook, Harold Kenyon, Marissa Smirl. For the sake of privacy, committee members’ personal emails are not shared here. Please contact the committee at

If you’re interested in an opportunity, or would like to nominate someone else (after checking with them): Here’s the Nominating form and a chance to share your skills and background with the committee. All information given is treated as confidential.

2023 Nominating committee report (list of all governance groups and their members)

Committee responsibilities 

  • Recommends persons to be appointed by Prairie to Pine Region or its Executive, to serve as members of its Executive or Committees, and if required as representatives to General Council.
  • Ensures that the Region and each of its commissions, committees and task groups provides clear job descriptions, terms of reference, length of term, suggested composition/balance for their group when declaring vacancies and requesting new members.
  • Informs the people of the Regional Council about the many ways to serve the ministry of the Region, and invites you to consider how your gifts, experience, and diversity can contribute to the life and work of the Region.

Nominations Updates and Opportunities

United Church News

During Earth Week, April 20‒27, let’s show up For the Love of Creation. Read More

KAIROS Canada and its members issue joint statement in response to spiraling violence in Middle East. Read More

In her National Affirming/PIE Day message, Moderator Carmen Lansdowne highlights the incredible affirming work happening across the United Church. Read More

Canadian asset owners call for continued climate leadership from Canada’s financial institutions. Read More

Worldwide Zoom sessions hosted by the International Rural Churches Association (IRCA) are an opportunity to learn what is happening in rural communities around the world and to support rural… continue reading Read More

Prairie to Pine Regional Council