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Pre-Advent Greetings!
You are warmly invited to our Taizé Advent Prayer on Sunday evening, December 3 at 7:30 pm. Because I have retired from Westworth, we will need to hold this in a different location, at least for this year. I am very pleased that The Little Red Church (Gordon King Memorial United Church), at 127 Coburg Ave., has agreed to host this service. Their minister, Rev. Patrick Woodbeck, will be the liturgist.
The theme this year will focus on peace, as we pray in the light of hope. This gives us another opportunity to offer communal prayers for peace within and in our world—especially in Israel, Palestine, and Ukraine.
Please let me know if you are willing to read the scripture in a particular language.
Please post and pass on the poster to any who you think might appreciate this ecumenical service.