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We are pleased to announce that the Summer Worship Service at West Hawk United Church will held at 11:00 am every Sunday until at least the September long weekend. (RC Chapel once again will be held on Sundays at 9 am.) A variety of supply ministers and lay leadership will attend each service. The Steering […]
Community connection and conversation for Affirmers: the (post) Pride edition! Wednesday June 19, 7:00PM- 8:30 PM. Hosted by the Prairie to Pine Equity and Diversity Committee. Come out for an informal check in about how your Pride went, or how your plans are going; bring your glitter and fun, and any stories about struggles that […]
A cluster of Ministry Personnel who have had connections with the former Selkirk Presbytery is gathering on Thursday, June 20, 2024 at Little Britain United Church, beginning at 11:00 and ending with a pot-luck lunch. This is an opportunity to check-in with one another and enjoy a meal together. If there are any Ministry Personnel […]
URBAN RETREATS GARDEN TOUR: Saturday, June 22, 2024, 10:00–4:00, rain or shine. Self-guided tour of beautiful Charleswood gardens in support of 1JustCity. Tickets $20, available at Country Roots Market & Garden, Jensen’s Nursery & Garden Centre, Lacoste Garden Centre, Ron Paul Garden Centre, St. Mary’s Nursery & Garden Centre, Schriemers Market Centre, Shelmerdine Garden Centre […]
Prairie to Pine’s monthly online meeting on climate justice and financing, 22nd of every month, 7:00 PM Your or your community of faith have received a letter from Prairie to Pine encouraging you to start a conversation with your bank or credit union about where your money is invested. The concern has to do with […]