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We are pleased to announce that the Summer Worship Service at West Hawk United Church will held at 11:00 am every Sunday until at least the September long weekend. (RC Chapel once again will be held on Sundays at 9 am.) A variety of supply ministers and lay leadership will attend each service. The Steering […]
Retired Ministry Personnel of the Prairie to Pine Regional Council will be gathering at Westworth United Church (1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg) beginning at 11:30 a.m. on June 10, 2024, to celebrate one another’s company and the United Church of Canada as it begins its 100th year engaged in mission and ministry.
Getting Started in Stewardship Online - June 11 - 3 pm Central or 5:30 pm Central Come on your own, or come with a team and join United Church people from across the country to learn some stewardship first principles. In this 90-minute live meeting we'll answer questions like: What is stewardship all about anyway? […]
On Wednesday evening, June 12 at 7:00 p.m. those interested in training for Pastoral Care Visitors in Communities of Faith/Pastoral Charges are invited to gather by ZOOM with Rob Reed, the Minister at Transcona Memorial United Church, and Judy Hare, Pastoral Relations Minister , for an initial conversation about the potential content and timing of […]
June 15th is the date set aside in Dauphin for the remembrance of the 17 individuals who died in the bus accident at the Carberry Corner and #1 A memorial service will be held in CN Park at 2pm with a Tea to follow at the Active Living Centre at 2:30 pm.