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People throughout the Prairie to Pine Regional Council are invited to the Covenanting Service on November 5, 2023 at 2:30 p.m. – Westworth United Church, Wpg with Tricia Gerhard.
Gatherings will be held every first Tuesday of the month at 3:00 p.m. Here is the Zoom link information.
Talking With Our Neighbors- A United Church 'Assiniboine Area' Cluster Gathering, November 8, 2023, 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM, Knox United Church, Brandon. This is not just for former Assiniboine Presbytery reps. – it is an invitation for anyone who would enjoy getting together to reconnect with old friends and to meet some new friends. […]
In ‘The Reindeer King’, personified animals (fox, hare, owl, geese, reindeer) and Aurora Borealis tell a tale of love and power. The musical touches on themes of bullying, finding oneself, and diversity. Although not written for children, the show is family friendly. Proceeds will be shared between Westworth United Church general operations and Westworth Choir […]
In ‘The Reindeer King’, personified animals (fox, hare, owl, geese, reindeer) and Aurora Borealis tell a tale of love and power. The musical touches on themes of bullying, finding oneself, and diversity. Although not written for children, the show is family friendly. Proceeds will be shared between Westworth United Church general operations and Westworth Choir […]