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Every Sunday in June at 2:00 PM in AB and SK: come explore the foundations of the Indigenous Church in the United Church of Canada. These sessions are open to everyone to come and learn. For additional information or to register and get your meeting link, please register here or contact: Sessions: June 7 […]
Ministry personnel only, please: Tuesdays at the time below, until further notice. Prairie to Pine: 3:00 PM in MB and NW ON. Prairie to Pine Regional Council will hold ministry personnel and lay leadership check-ins every week. Some may have specific information sessions as the situation evolves, but we’ll also take time for prayer […]
This is another opportunity for members from governing bodies and Ministry Personnel from Prairie to Pine Regional Council to gather together in a ZOOM meeting to discuss any matters related to making decisions and developing plans for re-opening of buildings. Meeting Link: Joining by phone only: Please dial 1-647-558-0588; Meeting ID: 932 1948 6638 […]