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Monday November 27 from 7 – 8pm (Sask time) … “Queer Christology” A public lecture by the Rev. Dr. Kayko Driedger Hesslein, William Hordern Professor of Systematic Theology at Lutheran Theological Seminary
Please join us on zoom:
Meeting ID: 875 9466 6578
Passcode: 329367
Throughout this academic year, we are hosting a series of online events celebrating St. Andrew’s commitment to being an Affirming Ministry, and Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon’s commitment to being “Reconciling in Christ”. We’ll be educating ourselves about sexual orientation and gender identity, and exploring new ways to be in solidarity and celebration with LGBTQIA2S communities in the church and beyond. Please mark your calendars now! More specific information to follow, closer to the dates (all events will happen online):
And our “Year of Intention” will culminate in a splendid worship service of recommitment, celebrating 15+ years of Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble Affirming Ministry and 4+ years of ReconcilingWorks Reconciling in Christ … the date for this service is still to be decided.
For more information on any of these events, please contact shawn.sanfordbeck@saskatoontheologicalunion.ca