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Everyone, especially lay leaders: Wednesdays at 5:30 PM in BC; 6:30 PM AB, SK, NWT; 7:30 MB and NW Ontario. Some meetings will have specific resource people and others will be general check ins.
Prairie to Pine, Living Skies, and Northern Spirit Regional Councils will hold ministry personnel and lay leadership check-ins every week. Some may have specific information sessions as the situation evolves, but we’ll also take time for prayer and connecting with each other. Details are below. Please help spread the word.
Questions? Ideas for topics or groups? Want to learn how to host your own group call with your Cluster? Contact Julie Graham, Communications/ justice regional minister: jgraham@united-church.ca or 306-244-2157 and she can pass your thoughts on to colleagues. Remember, all staff are working.
Use this meeting link:
Meeting ID: 978 525 442.
Remember: you can use your land line or cell to call in, and using your computer/ phone video is optional. If your internet connection is as slow as molasses going uphill in Brandon in January, dial in. The meeting ID you’ll need is the number that’s in the respective web addresses below. Toll free number for everyone: 1-855-703-8985.