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All active Ministry Personnel those in Calls or Appointments, other employment, or between employment, are invited to gather together for a time of face-to-face connection with conversation and reflection opportunities. The time will be facilitated by Jordan Cantwell, Growth Animator for the Prairie Regional Councils, and Tricia Gerhard, Ministry Personnel at Westworth United Church, Winnipeg, and a participant in the Moderator’s Leadership Project. Space at the venue is limited so please register ASAP.
Those who are pensioners and are exercising the functions of ministry through a Formal Association Covenant who are interested in attending are welcome to register and will be notified after April 25, 2024, if space allows for their attendance. An event for all Retired Ministry Personnel/ pensioners is being planned for June 10, 2024.
If you have questions, please contact Judy Hare, Pastoral Relations Minister at jhare@united-church.ca, Phone: (204) 421-8151 or any member of the Committee on Ministry Personnel Support: Chris Davis, David Howell, Joan Jarvis, Cathy Maxwell, and Susan Tilleman.