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If you are a grade 7 to 12 youth, we welcome you to register for the upcoming region-wide youth retreat, being held at Knox United Church in Brandon, MB, Saturday Feb 18th at 6:30 pm to Monday, Feb 20th at 1:00 pm.
A great opportunity to make friends with other youth from across the United Church’s Prairie to Pine Region while exploring the theme (Hobbies) through Worship, Song and Inter-active Theme Times. The retreat wouldn’t be complete without social time — dancing, games, chatting over meals (and canteen treats)! …and then rolling out your sleeping bag on the church floor to dream sweet dreams surrounded by new and old friends resting up for another busy exciting day!
Invite your friends (the ones you see often and the ones you maybe haven’t seen since summer camp!)
Haven’t been to a retreat before? – See: Retreat description for potential participants.
To allow all to attend, no matter their family’s financial status, the fee is suggested on a “pay what you can” scale from full fee of $90 down to $0. My concern with this payment model is that people won’t be enticed to register early to save money, but I am still offering an early-bird discount. While that will only affect those who plan to pay the suggested price, I urge all of you to register TODAY, as it is exciting for our leaders to hear who is coming — and makes planning easier when we know numbers early!
We are also looking for leaders age 16+. Interested? Apply here.